Calcutta a lso
happens to be the only city where trams still ply through the overcrowded
shopping lanes Like any other metro city, Calcutta also has several
Govt emporia and the Central Cottage Industries Emporium at 7 Chowringee
Lane sells exquisite handicrafts from all States. Bargaining has
no place here. However, a walk to New Market is an interesting experience
where shopping turns knack as the whole range of shopping revolves
around hectic bargaining here.
Calcutta has several other shopping centers like Bentinck Street,
also popularly known as China Market with sweet meat shops, leather
shoes & accessories and tailors & drapers. Enter Gariahat
for a wide range of commodities, Jagannath Ghat the flower market
and Tirreta Bazar for an extensive variety of ethnic goods. Park
Street is the place for the perfect executive. The street with restaurants
and pubs and glittering showrooms of the most reputed brands. You
could leaf through journals and best sellers at a well stocked book
They call it College Street. These are one of the more sophisticated
areas for one to shop. New Market is, ironically one of the oldest
markets of Calcutta with everything under one roof, always alive
and bustling out of its seams. The airport is not very far from
the city (about 10 Kms ), but due to constant traffic jams you could
take close to over 3 hours.
Shopping in Bishnupur
The local handicrafts of Bishnupur include silk, tussar silk, conch
shell wares & bell metal wares. No less important from the point
of view of popular taste are the fine sweetmeats and flavoured tobacco
of Bishnupur. Bishnupur is also famous for terracotta folk toys
like the Bankura (rather Panchmura) horse and clay dolls. Bishnupur
Silks are among the finest in the world.
Terracota Crafts, Dalmadal Road (1/2 kms from the Tourist Lodge).
Shri Hari Sankha Bhandar, Shankharipara.
Maa Durga Sankha Bhandar, Shankharipara.
Shopping In Shantiniketan
Grameen (Bolpur)
Sarvodaya Ashram (Bolpur) (Handicrafts & handlooms)
Vishwa Bharati Shilpa Sadan (Shantiniketan)
Shantiniketan Co-operative Stores (Shantiniketan).
Information on shopping in West Bengal - India