Songbird Of The North East
Mizoram, land of the blue mountain, lies in the southernmost outpost
of the North Eastern states. Neighbours Manipur, Assam and Tripura
bound this tranquil little state, but a part of it slips down between
Myanmar and Bangladesh. Evergreen, flush with blooms of exotic flora,
its hilly expanses are criss-crossed by gushing rivers and their
tributaries and a cobweb of silvery streams.
The forested Mizo hills with their thick bamboo jungles running
in north south direction rise sharply from Cachar Plains in Assam.
Highest amongst its several peaks is the Phawngpui - the Blue Mountain.
Rice is grown in a few plain areas in the state, such as the Vanlaiphai
and the fertile Champhai Plains east of the capital Aizawl, extending
to Myanmar.
Oral tradition reveals (there is no known recorded history) that
the Mizo people migrating from their homelands in China about 3
centuries ago in search of new pastureland, settled in these remote
Mizo hills (Lushai hills) It was absorbed into British rule between
1891-95 and in February 1987, it became the 23rd state of the Indian
Union. From the 19th century the Christian missionaries played a
dominating role in the state and were greatly responsible for the
westernisation of its social life. Today, the state has 87 per cent
literacy and gender equality is promoted vigorously.
Clinging to their traditional roots, there has been a concerted
effort by the young to propagate their ancient cultural strains.
It has also resulted in bringing back to limelight some of the most
colourful and joyous aspects of the gentle Mizo culture, which many
vacationers have found most appealing...
Sociable, hospitable and fun-loving - the Mizos are supposed to
be one of the finest choir singers in the North East. Living in
the heart of nature, being woken up by bird song reflects their
great affinity to the most attractive features of the land in which
they live. Clinging to their identity and culture despite external
influences (which threatened Mizo culture during the turbulent period
after Indian independence), Mizos have ensured that it continues
to thrive with unabated vigour. Every major village now has a YMA
(Young Mizo Association) centre, dedicated to infuse society with
its traditional lifestyle and customs. Some of the most colourful
aspects of this revival is witnessed amongst the folk and community
dances that have been handed down from one generation to the next.
It is reflected in the important harvest festivals that are an intrinsic
part of Mizo culture.
Tlawmngaihna is the code of ethics that guides the Mizos - it means
everyone should be unselfish. hospitable and helpful to each other.
The joyous movements of their dances and the spirited son gs
are a deep reflection of their passion for this cultural heritage.
It is evident in the rich variety of their colourful costumes. Mizoram's
crafts such as those in bamboo and cane are ingeniously varied to
meet modern needs - but remain rooted to its tradition.
Mizoram has 10 important dances that celebrate life in all its
richness with a delightful joie de vivre that is so integral to
the Mizo ethos. Amongst them are Cheraw, Chai Lam, Solakia, Sarlamkai,
Khullam, Chawng-laizawn, and Tianglam. Its most important festivals,
inspired by its agricultural activities, are Chapchar Kut, Mim Kut
and Pawl Kut. These are accompanied by a rich repertoire of singing
and dancing amidst lavish feasts. Christmas and New Year are celebrated
here with great vigour.
With its galaxy of festivals and dances, natural beauty and ancient
traditions, Mizoram is a kaleidoscopic 'pleasure trove' for the
discerning visitor.
Mizoram - Information on Fairs & Festivals, Wildlife, Excursion, Adventure, Weather, Travel, Tourism, tours and Major Cities of Mizoram india